All Work and No Play


Having to work for a living kind of stinks.  No, I’m sorry, not
kind of stinks, but stinks like a bunch of dead fish outside a French
whorehouse at low tide stinks.  Goofing off on the internet all
day evidently isn’t a good way to keep costs down and revenues
high.  I bet if I got a business degree,
they would have covered that.  So instead of ranting and raving
about whatever crosses my ever decreasing attention span, I have to
work out in the field.  A lot.  And it sucks.  Sucks
like a…well, you get the idea.

Currently I am working on two projects here in Nashville.  This one and that one
They both are that new loft living deal.  Take one old building,
gut the interior down to the original wood and brick, renovate for a
version of urban living only seen in sitcoms, add people with a lot of
money and not a lot of self preservation instinct.  What is so
funny to me is that although these living spaces do not appeal to me in
the least, the demand is huge.    People are lined up
around the block to buy up one of these condos.  I’m not knocking
these folks, it just isn’t for me.   I couldn’t care less
what they are going to put in, be it upscale condos or the World’s
Largest Adult Bookstore, as long as the check clears.

2 Responses to “All Work and No Play”

  1. Ms.Anthrope Says:

    The only advantage that I see in owning an urban vanity cubicle is that one can usually walk to a bar or, perish the thought, to work. Most of these folks have never had a 45 pound rat as a neighbor before (here, kitty, kitty), and a few months of tipping the urine soaked “doorman” will probably find them rethinking the poshness of it all. Yes, you can gut what was once a civil war brothel (Nashville was famous for this) to the bare three-foot-thick brick walls, but the brown recluse spiders that love these walls will be unimpressed and they will just hunker down and wait for the new tenants, Brad and Dodi. Meanwhile, unless the area has been heavily re-zoned, the morning clang and strum of the nearby sushi bar dumpster will make a charming alarm and aroma for terraced breakfasting. I love the smell of rotting fish in the morning. Oh, wait that’s just the smell of working for a living.

  2. smantix Says:

    From The City Paper’s article:”What’s more, designers have been careful to ensure that this loft living opportunity is, historically speaking, the real thing.”The view directly across the street is particularly authentic. Those would be the slave quarters, no?Having worked at the old Werthan bag co. over a decade ago, as well as The Christie Cookie Co. a few blocks over, I do not see how anyone who is a native Nashvillian would ponder laying down 300 large to live across the street from the projects, a block over from crack houses, live on a street you are not safe to walk down or have a car break down on.But then I’ve always been a firm believer in the maxim that “a fool and his money were lucky to get together in the first place”.

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